Colourful semantics-Who?

Image of Colourful semantics-Who?

Today we have been practicing answering who questions to match and identify characters from our story. We did a fantastic job! Great work 1P. 

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Well done Roan

Image of Well done Roan

Well done Roan for using a communication board to make a request for the first time today. We are so proud of you.

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Star of the week

Image of Star of the week

Category: 1P 2023-2024


How’s the weather today?

Image of How’s the weather today?

Pupils in 1P have been learning about the weather. They enjoyed playing a game on the IWB to identify different types of weather in pictures and made rain pictures using their finger tips to tap blue dabs of paint across their page. We have been singing songs about the weather in class which you…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Blowing out the candles

Image of Blowing out the candles

In R.E we are looking at ‘light’ 

we are looking at different celebrations and festivals that

celebrate using light.

we were looking at birthdays and how they use candle lights on a cake to celebrate birthdays… 

We lit the candles on a cake and wanted to see if they could blow out the…

Category: 1P 2023-2024



Playing outside in rainy weather

Image of Playing outside in rainy weather

The children enjoyed playing outside in the rainy weather.. 

building towers and catching raindrops,

forming new friendships with common interests :) 

Category: 1P 2023-2024



Decorating our pumpkins in DT

Image of Decorating our pumpkins in DT

In DT today we were decorating our pumpkins for halloween!

we were using orange and black paint to mark make on our pumpkins! Using different tools to create marks such as brushes, sponges and our fingers!

Our pumpkins looks Spooktacular! And we all had a fun time! 

Category: 1P 2023-2024



Scavenger hunt for brown bear in the forest

Image of Scavenger hunt for brown bear in the forest

Our story for the term in 1P is Brown bear.

We thought as the children enjoyed the forest school so much that we would, create a hunt for them in the forest school. 

We placed the different animals that we find in our story in areas the children would notice in the forest school and we…

Category: 1P 2023-2024



Paint mark making

Image of Paint mark making

This afternoon in 1P we got the paints out!

We put all the paints out with brushes, rollers, sponges and let them use their hands anything they wanted and allowed the children to just go crazy and mark make.

We wanted our children to just explore and finding different ways they could create…

Category: 1P 2023-2024



Star of the week ⭐️

Image of Star of the week ⭐️

Well done to Roan who is our star of the week for his fantastic engagement in activities and with adults and other children. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Category: 1P 2023-2024



Image of Literacy

Pupils in 1P enjoyed focusing on the purple cat character from our story Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see. We used the sensory room to create a purple multi sensory environment where there was some fantastic communication going on with some of our pupils matching the correct colour to the…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Communication- A visit from Mrs Hughes

Image of Communication- A visit from Mrs Hughes

Our Head Teacher Mrs Hughes came to see our fantastic communication in 1P at breakfast this morning. Renzo was amazing at using a communication board, combining single words & symbols to request fruit to serve to all of his friends, whilst remembering his manners by signing please and thank you.…

Category: 1P 2023-2024