1H having fun dressing up!
This week in 1H some of the class have been dressing up as doctors and bandaging up their friends! What a fun week!
Category: 1H 2024-2025
1H Green and Jean day!
1H had a super fun day in 1H! They played inside and outside, pretending to turn into animal and riding bikes! What a super day!
Category: 1H 2024-2025
Maths Songs this Term
As part of our homework grid, please practice theses songs at home!
Category: 1H 2024-2025
Maths in 1H!
Today in 1H we have used the interactive whiteboard to count bugs!
Category: 1H 2024-2025
1H exploring the berry burrow!
Some of 1H enjoyed exploring our outdoor prevision today.
Category: 1H 2024-2025