Labelling faces & identifying body parts.

Image of Labelling faces & identifying body parts.

Some of the pupils in 1P did a fantastic job at labelling their faces today using our key words-eyes, nose, ears and mouth. They also loved dressing the babies helping to put clothes on their arms and legs, hats on their heads and closing their eyes to put them to sleep. 

Category: 1P 2023-2024


New phonics sound a

Image of New phonics sound a

Our sound this week is a

a is a bouncy sound a a a a a a a 
we are using the words ant, astronaut, apple and acrobat to help us learn this sound and also singing songs in class containing these words. 
You can use the phonics cards sent home with your child to help you practice learning…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Star of the week

Image of Star of the week

Well done to Renzo who is our star this week for counting 1 to 5 different objects. We are so proud of you. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Phonics A sound

Image of Phonics A sound

Today your child has been sent home with flash cards for our new letter sound a. A is a bouncy sound a,a,a,a apple. Next week will be sharing more information on how you can support your child with learning this sound at home. For now please continue to recap the M sound using the songs shared on…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Well done Sterling

Image of Well done Sterling

In 1P we love to share the achievements of our pupils. Today we are super Proud of Sterling for his achievements. Drawing circles and straight lines on our illuminated writing boards. Well done Sterling we are so proud of you, ⭐️

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Brown Bear brown bear what do you see….

Image of Brown Bear brown bear what do you see….

Today we visited the sensory room as part of our Literacy lesson where we shared the story Brown bear brown bear what do you see. This week we are focusing on the character of ‘Red bird’ we loved engaging with adults in the room to turn all of the lights red and using red paint to colour the…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Splatting- Art

Image of Splatting- Art

Pupils in 1P had a fantastic time learning how to splat in art. Having a big blank canvas gave them a great opportunity to practice their splatting skills. 

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Turn taking

Image of Turn taking

In our communication lessons we have been working hard on turn taking. Pupils in 1P loved taking turns to throw and catch a big balloon in the circle. We then extended this activity outside of the circle. Encouraging and supporting pupils to engage in throwing and catching the ballon 1-1 with an…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Incy Wincy Spider

Image of Incy Wincy Spider

Pupils in 1P have been singing the nursery rhyme Incy Wincy spider this week. We have been learning how to sign spider and join in with the rhyme. Today they loved getting a closer look at a real spider. Showing great interest and carefully tracking it as it moved. 

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Star of the week

Image of Star of the week

Well done to Faith who is our star this week for fantastic work in Phonics. Faith could identify all of the words beginning with M. Well done Faith we are so proud of you.

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Design Technology

Image of Design Technology

In DT we have been creating and decorating words beginning with M which is the sound we are learning in phonics. This week we made our own mouse and enjoyed exploring materials, painting, gluing and sticking a variety of materials. 

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Growing in confidence

Image of Growing in confidence

This week the learners in 1P have grown in confidence and really started to enjoy accessing their provision, exploring resources and engaging in play and sensory based learning. We have been focusing on turn taking, waiting, participating and sharing. All of the pupils in 1P have done a fantastic…

Category: 1P 2023-2024