Fabulous writers
We are learning to recognise our name in written form, make meaningful marks over letter shapes, overwrite letter shapes or copy letter shapes. We have made so much progress making all of our teachers really proud.
Category: 1P 2023-2024
The three little pigs
In Literacy we are reading the traditional tale The Three Little pigs. You can share this story at home with your child by accessing the videos online using the links below or by reading the print out sent home with your child in their homework books. Encourage you child to look at the story…
Category: 1P 2023-2024
Spring term homework- Physical
Category: 1P 2023-2024
Spring term homework-Phonics
We are learning set 1 speed sounds, M,A,S,D
Category: 1P 2023-2024
Spring term Maths homework links
Category: 1P 2023-2024
Sterling is our star this week
Well done Sterling for completing a fine motor activity pushing pegs into holes independently. We are super proud of you.
Category: 1P 2023-2024
Developing our fine motor skills
As part of our English lessons pupils love spending time engaging in activities to develop their fine motor skills. There are lots of fine motor activities you can do with your child at home using common household objects. Please follow this link for ideas and let us know if your child has enjoyed…
Category: 1P 2023-2024
Let’s read
Pupils in 1P are learning how to develop their interest in books during our daily reading session. Pupils get to choose one new book each day from our book box where they are they supported to share their book with an adult, hold their book the right way up, turn pages from left to right and look…
Category: 1P 2023-2024
Christmas hats
This morning we have been busy making Christmas
Category: 1P 2023-2024
Christmas party day
1P had a fantastic Christmas party, they danced played pass the parcel and enjoyed party food.
Category: 1P 2023-2024
Winter wonderland
Pupils in 1P enjoyed walking through the PCA winter wonderland and coming across Santa who had flown especially to see them with a gift.
Category: 1P 2023-2024
Dress rehearsal superstars
Well done 1P you were all fantastic in the nativity dress rehearsal today. We are looking forward to welcoming our friends and families to the final show tomorrow.
Category: 1P 2023-2024