Art: Fruit and Veg Printing
Category: 4S 2023-2024
Art Creative Arts Arts and Crafts
Watercolour Art
Fantastic use of watercolours today in Art.
Category: 3S 2023-2024
Skittle Art
We enjoyed adding warm water to skittles to create a beautiful pattern on a plate.We then designed her own pattern.
Category: 3S 2023-2024
Art: Clay Masks
Category: 4S 2023-2024
Category: 4S 2023-2024
Art- Life Drawing
Today in Art Mr. Hull tasked us with some life drawing.
We used real apples and looked at the shape and colour of them, we then used a pencil to draw the shape of the apple.
Finally we used watercolours to paint out apple, we blended the colour together.
Well Done 4S!!!!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
In art this week we used plasticine to model the features of the face.
Using plasticine can also be very good for motor skills and hand movements.
We will be moving onto clay soon, we worked hard!
Well Done 4S!!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
Mr Doodle tops
In Art this half term, 3J have been looking into the artist Mr Doodle. They have all designed their own tops in the style of Mr Doodle with their own twist. They’ve turned out fantastic !
Category: 3J 2023-2024
In our art lesson we continued with our work with “The green man”
We started to make our mask for our green man. We have used cardboard and tore tissue paper to make the mask look like leaves and grass for our green man faces.
Well Done 4S!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
Art Creative Arts Arts and Crafts
Bubble painting
The children really enjoyed having a go at bubble painting this morning with Miss Orritt
Category: 1B 2023-2024
Scrape Art KS5
We did scrape painting today. We used blobs of paint and rulers to create paintings.
We put the paint on the page then used the flat edge of a ruler to scrape the paint into patterns.
Well done KS5
Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024
Art Creative Arts Arts and Crafts
Nature Painting
In 3A we did an afternoon of painting with nature! Miss Heard collected different natural items from the forest school such as leaves and twigs.
We practiced mark making, printing and our brush strokes.
we made some beautiful pictures, well done 3A!
Category: 3A 2023-2024