DT -Clay Tiles
In our DT lessons we have been working with clay, we have made clay tiles and made designs on them.
This week we have painted our tiles ready for them to be fired in the kiln ready for finishing.
Well Done 3S!
Category: 3S 2024-2025
We are adding to our Art Entry Level portfolios with marble shaving foam pictures. We found 2 different ways of creating these pictures which left no waste.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
We are creating Japanese Notan designs as a printing plate. This will contribute to part of our Entry Level qualification in Art.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Harvest Art
We have done some fruit and vegetables art for the Harvest hall display.
We worked well as a team and made some great pieces of art!
Well done 3S!
Category: 3J 2024-2025
Art Creative Arts Arts and Crafts
Continuing with our print making project, today we have started to make our print templates & started to put prints on paper.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Art: graphite paper
Category: 3S 2024-2025
Art 3S
Category: 3S 2024-2025
Category: 3S 2024-2025
Entry level Print Making unit
4M have started their Entry level Print Making unit to go towards their qualification. They’re exploring patterns & creating Zentangles to formulate a plan for their final ideas for print.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
The colour red
In Art and DT, we are looking at colours. This week we have been looking at the colour red. I wonder if your child can show you the sign for red.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
1A love to paint
As a class, we love mark making! This morning, we did some painting and even had a go at pouring some glitter onto our paintings. Well done everyone.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Arts and crafts: creating
During independent learning, the children had a range of art and craft supplies to choose from to make their own collages. Some of the children asked for a specific drawing which they then decorated using the different materials.
Category: 1B 2023-2024