"Active Into Autumn" Conference at the Winter Gardens September 18th 2023
A reminder to all parents in 1B
Physical copies of photos can be sent in. They will be photocopied and the originals will be sent home.
Thank you
Category: 1B 2023-2024
Play dough making
We made play dough ready for when all of our friends are back in school tomorrow. It was so much fun but very messy. ⭐️
Category: 1B 2023-2024
2G Homework
What a fabulous piece of homework! Well done.
Category: 2G 2023-2024
Testing out our new games
Rio was testing out 4’S new balancing toy and developing some great fine motor and coordination skills.
Category: 4S 2023-2024
Stuck whilst the school is flooded? Here's some ideas linked to our learning
We are learning all about the emergency services. Take a look at these videos and learning with your child.
Category: 4S 2023-2024
Achiever of the Week
Well done Tegan. You have looked more confident, and shown greater self-assurance in class this week. And now you are our Achiever of the Week! Keep it up! You’ve been a superstar!
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Achiever of the Week
Congratulations Adam for being our Achiever of the Week in 4H for successfully completing your travel training. Well done!
Category: 4H 2023-2024
We have been looking at warning and danger signs in 4H and learning how we can stay safe from flammable objects.
Category: 4H 2023-2024
2G star
Congratulations to our star of the week who is a super role model in school. Well done!
Category: 2G 2023-2024
Congratulations to our SCARF winner who has shown how caring he is this week. Well done!
Category: 2G 2023-2024
3J had a visit from the SHINE team today. They played some games and had a lovely time.
Category: 3J 2023-2024