The new play area!
We loved exploring the new play area in KS3. We practised our gross motor skills and balance.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Lily is a star
Well done Lily - you are our star this week for using your words to communicate with your adults. ⭐️
Category: 1B 2023-2024
Key stage 1 Star of the week 1B
Dastan is our achiever of the week
Dastan is our achiever of the week for settling well in his first week at Park.
Well done we are proud of you!
Category: 3K 2023-2024
Hello Harold
We had a special visit from Harold the giraffe and Steven from SCARF today! We talked about how to keep clean and healthy.
Category: 2M 2023-2024
Healthy Lifestyle Lesson!
Today 2A have had their first lesson with two Healthy Lifestyle coaches. We made fruit kebabs and have started our weekly challenge to ‘Eat A Rainbow’ which includes eating different coloured fruits and vegetables everyday!
Category: 2A 2023-2024
French with Mrs Emsley
Category: 3C 2023-2024
Star of the week!
Category: 2B 2023-2024
Assembly time
Category: 1C 2023-2024
Achiever of the Week!
Category: 3T 2023-2024
Amazing artist
Category: 1C 2023-2024
Choosing stories
The children in 1B have been choosing stories to take home to share with their families.
Category: 1B 2023-2024
Key stage 1 Reading 1B Library
3A have been developing their understanding of prepositions in physical geography today.
Category: 3A 2023-2024