Speed Stacking
Category: 3K 2023-2024
Smartie investigation
5J estimated a cup of counters.
They predicted the amount if colour and amount. Then recorded their findings with a tally chart independantly.
Great work 5J
Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024
Monty’s birthday news
Monty came into school excited to share what he had done for his birthday with all the whole class. We all took turns asking Monty questions and he answered them all perfectly. It looks like you had a great time Monty!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
Making our vote matter
Today marks an important day in PCA and we all took our vote on who we want to represent for our head pupil. We all thought really hard and each made a vote, sending Ellie down to deliver our choices.
Category: 4S 2023-2024
All about me
In knowledge and understanding the world we are learning all about ourselves. We are working hard towards recognising ourselves in pictures, respond to our names, identify parts of our bodies and move our body parts in different ways, copying actions through songs. You can work on these skills…
Category: 1P 2023-2024
What is Discrimination?
Category: 3R 2023-2024
Sixth Form Myerscough group
Our students have been helping Blue cross and Myerscough look after cats that need rehoming.
Students have cleaned out enclosures and provided fresh food and water.
Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024
Technology around our school
1H went on a walk around the Berry Building to find technology. We found lights, phones, printers and alarms.
Category: 1H 2023-2024
Music at Blackpool and Fylde central college.
This week at college we learnt about foley/found sounds (using everyday objects/environment to collect the sounds.) We used cameras to go around the campus and collect sounds using different objects and the environment. We then used a mixing program to use samples and make our own song.
Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024
Blackpool and The Fylde College College Links music
In Humanities, 4H are learning about the history of Blackpool’s railway stations. Today, Mrs Hopwood read out facts from their train timeline and they had to work together to see which team could point to the correct fact in the quickest time by helping each other.
Category: 4H 2023-2024
Dog Training
Jorja and Elisha practiced giving Molly our therapy dog commands with support from Mr. Shanagher.
Well done girls!
Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024
Using lots of different skills in P.E.
Category: 3K 2023-2024