Maths - Money
In Maths today we have been looking at money.
We counted coins up to £1.
Well done 3H!
Category: 3H 2024-2025
maths Functional maths Money management
Louise has been putting the finishing touches on her Tim Burton inspired portrait. Her creativity on this piece has blown us all away! Well done.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Making a choice
Category: 2M 2024-2025
Parts of a flower
We looked at a flower and named the parts of a flower.
Category: 3C 2024-2025
Star of the Week
Isaac was our star of the week last week for happily engaging in a craft activity, using glue to stick art materials onto his picture. He gave fantastic eye contact and indicated ‘more.’ Well done Isaac.
Category: 1A 2024-2025
Key stage 1 Star of the week 1A
Go Noodle Party!
This morning we enjoyed taking part in three super fun Go Noodle’s! We love Go Noodle movement breaks as they help us burn off our extra energy, refocus and have fun with our friends! We started the morning feeling extremely happy and ready for a fun day at school!
Category: 3H 2024-2025
PE activities
Everyone did excellent work in PE this week! 3B pushed themselves out of their comfort zones and tried lots of new activities !
Category: 3B 2024-2025
Taking care of your teeth
In PSHE today we learnt about the different teeth we have and the job they do. We then explored our own teeth and compared them, as we learnt that everyones are different. We finished the session with each getting a tooth brush and tooth paste, to promote a healthy mouth.
Category: 2C 2024-2025
Category: 2G 2024-2025
Category: 2G 2024-2025
⭐️ Achiever of the week ⭐️
Category: 3T 2024-2025
2R’s Star and SCARF of the week!
Category: 2R 2024-2025