Fire engine visit

Image of Fire engine visit

1P had so much fun this morning having a look around the fire engine that came to visit PCA!

The pupils tried on some fire hats and jackets and were even lucky enough to have a go spraying water from the fire hoses! 

Category: 1P 2023-2024

Key stage 1


Elmer coffee Morning

Image of Elmer coffee Morning

Today was Elmer day in our school. Our children brought in money to be able to come to the coffee morning and have a cake and some juice and have a photo with Elmer. The children had a great time sitting in the hall at our very own table and loved the bright coloured Elmer costume.

All the…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Easter egg cards

Image of Easter egg cards

In 1P today We had a fun activity involving paint and shaving foam which was used to create our Easter card designs.

Everyone enjoyed touching the different feelings and textures from the paint and foam and seeing the crazy patterns that appeared on our card.

Some of the children even had a…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Scarf and Ribbon

Image of Scarf and Ribbon

Today in 1P we had an exciting time in our lesson with Mrs Smith.

We were using and exploring different sensory items such as scarfs and ribbons to be able to shake and wave them in time with our circle time song. 

The children really loved exploring the different colours and noises of the…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Rewards Day for being Outstanding

Image of Rewards Day for being Outstanding

Today was our school rewards day for being outstanding in our ofsted report.

in 1P we had so much fun doing a load of different key stage party games and a visit to the ice cream van, our children especially loved being able to move to the different classrooms to explore the different…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Valentines hearts

Image of Valentines hearts

Today we created our very own valentines Hearts for Valentine’s Day.

The children dipped their fingers in the paints and had to use their finger to be able to make red fingerprints in the heart shape.

Our children love being able to use paint and love using it for mark making. 


Category: 1P 2023-2024


2-D shapes printing

Image of 2-D shapes printing

Today in 1P for maths we were learning and exploring shapes, the children had an activity to do using something that they love…. Paint 

the children loved naming and being able to push the shapes into different coloured paints and then printing them onto the paper they chose. 

The prints…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Our sensory garden

Image of Our sensory garden

Today we created our own sensory garden using different colour green paper, green tissue paper and green string. The children decorated the tuff tray using the different type of green resources before they had the chance to add different colour flowers to the garden. 

The children really…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Alphabet rhyme time

Image of Alphabet rhyme time

In your child’s homework books we have shared resources you will be able to use take part in activities and rhymes we do in class to support your child’s learning of letters and sounds. Using traditional rhymes to help us secure our attention, speech and listening skills, we are beginning to…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


EFL family app

Image of EFL family app

We hope that you have now been able to download, login and familiarise yourself with our EFL family app. We are incredibly excited about having the opportunity to share with you the amazing things your children have achieved throughout the week. We welcome parent comments so please share these…

Category: 1P 2023-2024


The snowy day

Image of The snowy day

Pupils in 1P had great fun outside exploring the snow. We got wrapped up in our hats coats and gloves and after our fun outside we practiced dressing a bear for snowy weather on the IWB. 

Category: 1P 2023-2024


Fabulous writers

Image of Fabulous writers

We are learning to recognise our name in written form, make meaningful marks over letter shapes, overwrite letter shapes or copy letter shapes. We have made so much progress making all of our teachers really proud. 

Category: 1P 2023-2024