We looked at Maths Vocabulary today in our lesson.
We learnt the meanings of: Long and Short, Heavy and Light, Less, more and greater than and Big and Small!
Mrs. Swifts bag was very heavy!!!
Well Done 4S!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
maths Maths mastery Functional maths
Long and Short
The children enjoyed using the tubes to show long and short. They used the vocabulary well and could describe the length of objects. During independent learning, some of the children made candles which were long and short to go onto a cake.
Category: 1B 2023-2024
In maths this week we used technology and the internet to help solidify our understanding of one more and one less.
The games were really fun and we did so well with our sums!
Well Done 4S!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
We continued with our 1 less and 1 more in maths.
We used forks to add one more an done less and told Mrs Swift what we thought.
Well Done 4S!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
maths Maths mastery Functional maths
In maths this week we have been looking at one more and one less.
We used pens to allow us to add one more and take away one less to help our understanding.
Well Done 4S!!!!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
We have continued with our counting to 20 in our maths lessons.
We looked at different ways we could make and count to 20, Mrs Swift even finished with a game where we had to make 20 by landing a beanbag in different zones on a target and adding the results.
Well Done 4S!!!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
We continued with our work on counting today! We used the interactive whiteboard to move the numbers on the number line to the correct position.
Well Done 4S
Category: 4S 2023-2024
In our maths lesson this week we have been working on our counting to 20!
Mrs Swift started with a fun game where we started at 1 and when she pointed at us we had to say the next number!
We then looked at using 10 frames to help us count on from 10
Well done 4S!!!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
Maths - Money
We had lots of fun counting Mr Brannigan's change collection.
We grouped, counted and calculated how much of each coin there was.
If we estimated correctly we got a reward!
Category: 2A 2023-2024
maths Life skills Preparation For Life
Exploring Money
We have been enjoying identifying coins and their values today.
Tomorrow we are sorting Mr Brannigan's change collection.
Category: 2A 2023-2024
maths Preparation For Life Functional maths
Wow Moment
Wow Ashley - what an achievement. You took the caterpillar outfit to Mrs Rose so she could help you put it on. You enjoyed pretending to be the caterpillar, eating all of the fruit. When asked how many pieces of fruit there were, you counted them and said the correct number.
Category: 1B 2023-2024
Maths Arrays
In maths this week we are looking at arrays. This helps us with our multiplication.
Well done 5J!
Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024