Activity #1 - Reindeer Food

Image of Activity #1 - Reindeer Food

It’s Christmas Activity Day and we have started the day off by making some reindeer food to sprinkle outside our houses on Christmas Eve.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A


Building Friendships

Image of Building Friendships

It has been lovely to spend the last week or so, taking a step back and spending time building relationships. This morning, these boys spent a good while, chasing each other around the playground, communicating verbally using each others names. They finished their play with a hug and it was lovely…

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 PSHE 1A


It’s Party Day

Image of It’s Party Day

We have had an absolutely fantastic afternoon with lots of smiley, happy children in attendance. We’ve danced, shared sensory experiences, played pass the parcels, spent free time on IPads, had some biscuits and other bits of party food and watched our favourite programmes on the big screen - what…

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A


Christmas Dinner Day

Today we sat with 1H and KS2 to have our Christmas dinner. We all sat and ate beautifully and it was a great experience had by all. Well done everyone.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A


A magical Christmas

Image of A magical Christmas

Yesterday, we had the most magical day in the forest visiting Santa, dancing and decorating biscuits.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A


Santa came to PCA

Image of Santa came to PCA

Santa came to visit PCA and he was very pleased to tell us all that we are on the good list this year and we all received a present.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A


Non Uniform Day

Image of Non Uniform Day

Yaaaay! Let’s party!

See you tomorrow

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A


Christmas Jumper Day

Image of Christmas Jumper Day

Well done to all of the children in 1A for joining in with our Christmas Jumper Day. A big thank you to those who have donated some money towards Trinity Hospice and Brian House.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A


Star of the week ⭐️

Image of Star of the week ⭐️

Star of the week in 1A this week goes to every single child for their resilience, determination and bravery for standing on stage in front of lots of people and children to perform their part in the Christmas Nativity.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A


Our Week in 1A - Part 2

Image of Our Week in 1A - Part 2

Considering there has been so much change to our normal routine, the children have coped exceptionally well and we are so proud of them all. Well done everyone. ⭐️

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A


Our Week in 1A

Image of Our Week in 1A

We have had a busy week in 1A. From Christmas Nativity’s to Christmas Card writing, making decorations to lots of fun outside building relationships. Well done everyone. It has certainly been a busy week.

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A


Christmas Tree

Image of Christmas Tree

Last week, we decorated our Christmas Tree which we are very proud of. Since Thursday it has been taken apart and redecorated plenty of times and it is lovely to see the children interacting with it so nicely. Well done everyone. 

Category: 1A 2024-2025

Key stage 1 Christmas 1A