KS2 Computing Club
Category: After School Clubs Blog
Computing Functional ICT ICT KS2 Independent learning
Independent learning time
Look at us! We are getting so much better at choosing an activity and sitting with our peers and engaging. Well done everyone.
Category: 1B 2023-2024
In our computing session today we had an email to read from Mrs Johnson.
The E-mail asked us what lessons we had for the rest of the day and how were.
We had to reply to Mrs. Johnson and tell her what lessons we had.
We look forward to Mrs. Johnsons reply.
Well done 4S!!
Category: 4S 2023-2024
KS2 Computing Club
Category: After School Clubs Blog
Computing iPad Club Functional ICT ICT KS2
Computing - Branching Databases
We have been looking at Branching Databases today.
We have been asking and answering yes/No questions.
Category: 2A 2023-2024
Drawing with technology
This afternoon, we have been using the IPADS to have a go at drawing pictures. The children were able to change the colour of the tool they were using. Some of the children were able to clear the page so they could start again.
Jayden drew a strawberry and Logan enjoyed drawing shapes that…
Category: 1B 2023-2024