Interviewing the cast

Image of Interviewing the cast

For arts award this week, 3N was lucky enough to interview some of the cast from the school production ‘It’s a Kind of Magic’. We asked the Narrators lots of questions such as, is being a narrator easy or hard and Is it a big or small role? 

Category: 3N 2022-2023

Arts Award


Creating computer games in Arts Award

Image of Creating computer games in Arts Award

During Mr Brannigan’s Arts Award lesson, 2K created some amazing computer games independently. 

We used the Purple Mash website and selected our own backgrounds, characters, villains and rewards and then we played each others games!!

We loved the whole lesson and the pupils were so…

Category: 2K 2022-2023

Computing Arts Award KS2


Arts Award

Image of Arts Award

Arts Award afternoon is in full swing again after the Christmas break. Pupils are working hard towards finishing their Arts option, this half-term before choosing their next activity.


Category: Secondary Arts Award

Arts Award


Making natural paint for Gond Art

Image of Making natural paint for Gond Art

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 

2K have had a fantastic morning!

Continuing with our learning of Gond Art we ventured in to the mud kitchen to make our own mud paint.

We found the right ratio of mud and water for the perfect paint consistency.

We then used the paint to create patterns we might find in…

Category: 2K 2022-2023

Arts Award


Arts Award : Gond Art

Image of Arts Award : Gond Art

2K have had a wonderful first lesson with Mrs Cooper learning all about the very colourful Gord Art.

Gond art comes from India and is 1400/years old. It is a form of Indian folk art made up of lines and dot patterns using natural colours. 

Category: 2K 2022-2023

Arts Award