Children In Need Pudsey ears

Image of Children In Need Pudsey ears

This week some of our year 11s have been visiting all the classes around school selling Pudsey and Blush headbands to raise money for Children In Need, well done!!

Category: 4J 2023-2024


KS1 Enterprise raffle- Win a giant Hamleys Teddy Bear

Image of KS1 Enterprise raffle- Win a giant Hamleys Teddy Bear

Category: 4J 2023-2024


KS1 Enterprise

Image of KS1 Enterprise

Category: 4J 2023-2024


Public services reward session at B&FC

Image of Public services reward session at B&FC

The year 11 public services group have worked so hard this term that they have earned a rewards week where they got to choose the activities, they chose football, basketball and badminton.

Category: 4J 2023-2024


Burning colour changing chemicals

Image of Burning colour changing chemicals

As it was bonfire night last night, class 4J discussed fireworks and how they work. In their science lesson today we have been burning spills soaked in different chemicals, we looked at which type of chemical burns which colour and why. Well done 4J!

Category: 4J 2023-2024


Introduction to a Dirt Bike Motorcycle.

Image of Introduction to a Dirt Bike Motorcycle.

Today at Myerscough College the students looked at a dirt bike motorcycle. They learned about how to start a bike, accelerate,  brake and change gear.

They also learned how to strip off the dirt bike plastics/fairings to clean or replace them and to expose the mechanical components to work on…

Category: 4J 2023-2024

collegelinks Myerscoughcollege


Year 11 Construction group

Image of Year 11 Construction group

The construction group are nearing the end of their course and are starting to see their work coming together. There is only 1 more session to go to get their work done, they've worked extra hard today and have nearly finished, well done, construction group!

Category: 4J 2023-2024


Monster trap

Image of Monster trap

Class 4J have been designing monster traps, we researched different types of trap and planned our designs by selecting materials from a set list and budget. Well done 4J!

Category: 4J 2023-2024


Bridge building

Image of Bridge building

Today class 4J have been competing in a bridge building experiment where they needed to build bridges made from tape and cotton buds, it needed to be strong enough to hold multiple coins, well done 4J

Category: 4J 2023-2024


The Elephant Man

Image of The Elephant Man

Last night 4J went to a performance of The Elephant Man  at the grand theatre. The performance was amazing by an inclusive and diverse cast. The class really enjoyed the show and participated in some very mature discussions around how Joseph Merrick was treated throughout his life.

Category: 4J 2023-2024


Boxing fitness

Image of Boxing fitness

Today in fitness is boxing we learnt lots of new techniques jab, cross and hook. 

Category: 4J 2023-2024



Painting and Decorating at Blackpool and The Fylde College

Image of Painting and Decorating at Blackpool and The Fylde College

Pupils continued papering their walls with full and partial pieces of lining paper. The pupils also tackled an "envelope cut" to cut a space in the paper to accommodate an electrical socket.

Next week they will be designing patterns to paint onto their lined walls.

Today's student learner of…

Category: 4J 2023-2024

KS4 collegelinks