Samuel Pepys Fact File
Category: 3C 2023-2024
Lego in STEM
Today in STEM 3C have been exploring the new Lego that has arrived in school. The children selected a challenge to complete without being able to see initially what the challenge was.
Category: 3C 2023-2024
3C visiting winter wonderland
Category: 3C 2023-2024
Mr Fidget’s Fidget Shop
Category: 3C 2023-2024
Reading in 3C
3C have done some fantastic reading today including some brilliant reading from Leah. Leah read to the whole class. Each time the children read out loud to their class mates they are becoming increasingly confident.
Category: 3C 2023-2024
KS1 Enterprise raffle- Win a giant Hamleys Teddy Bear
Category: 3C 2023-2024
KS1 Enterprise
Category: 3C 2023-2024
Remembrance live assembly
3C enjoyed being involved in a live remembrance assembly this morning. There were some really poignant points in the assembly that raised some interesting topics of discussion.
Category: 3C 2023-2024
Phonics in 3C
This week in phonics we have been looking at words with the suffix- "tion" and what those words mean.
Category: 3C 2023-2024
Achiever of the week
3C’s achiever of the week this week is Declan for being really helpful at lunchtimes and for sticking to routines.
Well done Declan
Category: 3C 2023-2024
3C achiever of the week
3C’s achiever of the week is Sophie. This week Sophie was really helpful and caring towards one of her classmates when they were upset. Well done Sophie!
Category: 3C 2023-2024
Acts of kindness
After learning about the Good Samaritan in R.E, today 3C wrote messages of kindness to their friends.
Category: 3C 2023-2024