Year 7 Pupil Premium Catch Up Grant Allocation 2019/2020

In 2019/20 Park Community Academy was allocated £10,839 in funding to support the 24 pupils transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 successfully.

How we spent the allocation of funds during 2019/2020:

The funding was spent in the following areas:

•    Intervention group teaching
•    Focused specialist leader support in phonics
•    Whole School Phonics Audit and review of resources
•    Maths intervention
•    Purchase of appropriate IT equipment to support and enhance learning
•    Induction and Transition into Year 7
•    Purchase of appropriate resources for Literacy/Numeracy
•    Transition ‘week’, timetable of events for transition between mainstream/special/Year 6 to Year 7.
•    Additional, enhanced access to extended service provision eg School Nurse, Education Psychologist, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language, Independent Travel Trainer.
•    Improved parental engagement with introduction of the Children & Family Support Team and enhanced Learning Mentor team.

Impact of the expenditure on the progress of the pupils:
•    In English, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
•    In Maths, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
•    The transition into Year 7 was seamless and without complications

Year 7 Pupil Premium Catch Up Grant Allocation 2018/2019

In 2018/19 Park Community Academy was allocated £14,000 in flat rate funding to support the 25 pupils transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 successfully.

How we spent the allocation of funds during 2018/2019:

The funding was spent in the following areas:

•    Intervention group teaching
•    Focused specialist leader support in phonics
•    English/Reading intervention
•    Maths intervention
•    Purchase of appropriate IT equipment to support and enhance learning
•    Induction and Transition into Year 7
•    Purchase of appropriate resources for Literacy/Numeracy
•    Transition ‘week’, timetable of events for transition between mainstream/special/Year 6 to Year 7.
•    Additional, enhanced access to extended service provision eg School Nurse, Education Psychologist, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language, Independent Travel Trainer.
•    Improved parental engagement with introduction of the Children & Family Support Team.

Impact of the expenditure on the progress of the pupils:

•    In English, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
•    In Maths, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
•    The transition into Year 7 was seamless and without complications


Year 7 Pupil Premium Catch Up Grant Allocation 2017/18

In 2017/18 Park Community Academy was allocated £9,000 in flat rate funding to support those pupils transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7 successfully.

How we spent the allocation of funds during 2017/18:
The funding was spent in the following areas:

  • Intervention group teaching
  • Focussed specialist leader support in phonics
  • English/Reading intervention
  • Maths intervention
  • Induction and Transition into Year 7
  • Purchase of appropriate resources for Literacy/Numeracy
  • Transition 'week', timetable of events for transition between mainstream/special/Year 6 to Year 7.
  • Improved parental engagement with introduction of the Children & Family Support Team.


Impact of the expenditure on the progress of the pupils:

  • In English, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
  • In Maths, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
  • The transition into Year 7 was seamless and without complications.


Year 7 Pupil Premium Catch Up Grant Allocation 2016/17

In 2016/17 Park Community Academy was allocated £9,000 in funding for the Year 7 Catch Up grant.  This catch up funding provides an additional £500 for every pupil who has not achieved a required level in reading and /or Maths at Key Stage 2.  This funding is to aid the transition from Year 6 into Year 7 and assist with these pupils ‘catching up’ during their first year in secondary school.

PCA received funding for 18 pupils in this category.

How we spent the allocation of funds during 2016/17:
The funding was spent in the following areas:|

  • Intervention group teaching
  • Focussed specialist leader support in phonics
  • English/Reading intervention
  • Maths intervention
  • Induction and Transition into Year 7
  • Purchase of appropriate resources for Literacy/Numeracy
  • Transition days, timetable of events for transition between mainstream/special/Year 6 to Year 7.
  • Improved parental engagement with introduction of the Children & Family Support Team.

Impact of the expenditure on the progress of the pupils:

  • In English, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
  • In Maths, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
  • The transition into Year 7 was seamless and without complications.


Year 7 Pupil Premium Catch Up Grant Allocation 2015/16

In 2015/16 Park Community Academy was allocated £6,500 in funding for the Year 7 Catch Up grant.  This catch up funding provides an additional £500 for every pupil who has not achieved a required level in reading and /or Maths at Key Stage 2.  This funding is to aid the transition from Year 6 into Year 7 and assist with these pupils ‘catching up’ during their first year in secondary school.

PCA received funding for 13 pupils in this category.

How we spent the allocation of funds during 2015/16:
The funding was spent in the following areas:|

  • Small group transition sessions
  • English/Reading intervention
  • Maths intervention
  • Summer Scheme staffing
  • Summer Scheme programme of events
  • Induction and Transition into Year 7
  • Purchase of appropriate resources for Literacy/Numeracy

Impact of the expenditure on the progress of the pupils:

  • In English, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
  • In Maths, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
  • The transition into Year 7 was seamless and without complications.


Year 7 Pupil Premium Catch Up Grant Allocation 2014/15

In 2014/15 Park Community Academy was allocated £4,500 in funding for the Year 7 Catch Up grant.  This catch up funding provides an additional £500 for every pupil who has not achieved a required level in reading and /or Maths at Key Stage 2.  This funding is to aid the transition from Year 6 into Year 7 and assist with these pupils ‘catching up’ during their first year in secondary school.

PCA received funding for 9 pupils in this category.

How we spent the allocation of funds during 2014/15:
The funding was spent in the following areas:|

  • Small group teaching
  • English/Reading intervention
  • Maths intervention
  • Summer Scheme staffing
  • Summer Scheme programme of events
  • Induction and Transition into Year 7
  • Purchase of appropriate resources for Literacy/Numeracy

Impact of the expenditure on the progress of the pupils:

  • In English, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
  • In Maths, 100% of these pupils had made above expected progress.
  • The transition into Year 7 was seamless and without complications.


Year 7 Pupil Premium Catch Up Grant Allocation 2013/14:

In 2013/14, PCA received no additional catch up funding for the Year 7 transitional pupils, however, PCA funded the above interventions and Summer Scheme from the delegated budget.


Year 7 Pupil Premium Catch Up Grant Allocation 2012/13:
In 2012/13, PCA was allocated £4,500 in funding for 9 pupils eligible for transition from Year 6 to Year 7.

The funding was spent in the following areas:

  • Summer Scheme programme of events
  • Summer Scheme staffing
  • Induction and Transition into Year 7
  • Small group intervention in English and Maths.