3W P.E.

Image of 3W P.E.

In P.E. we carried on practicing the skills required for invasion games.

We started by warming up playing "Chicken, Hero or wizard" and running past Mr J.


We then practicised our dribbling and catching skills and finished on small sided games.


We all tried our best and worked…

Category: 3W 2022-2023

PE Sport and leisure Sports and Fitness



Image of Maths

In Maths we were comparing numbers and working on less and more than.

we used cubes to help us visualise the numbers and see which was bigger and smaller.


Well done!

Category: 3W 2022-2023



Travel Training!

Image of Travel Training!

Chloey in 3W has been taking part in Independent travel training.


She has been learning how to safely get to and from school by herself with guidance from Blackpool council. She has learnt how to safely use a bus pass and to walk by herself to school.


This week she completed her…

Category: 3W 2022-2023


3W Geography

Image of 3W Geography

In our humanities geography lesson we have began to look further afield!


We researched capital cities around the world and learnt our continents with help from the continents song!


well done 3W! 

Category: 3W 2022-2023



3W English

Image of 3W English

Today in English we solidified our knowledge on verbs and nouns thank s to Mr Beckett's very catchy song!


We sorted words into verbs and nouns into columns and then read through a passage and highlighted the nouns and verbs.


Well done 3W!

Category: 3W 2022-2023



3W Achiever of the week.

Image of 3W Achiever of the week.

Gabriel was our Achiever of the Week in 3W for demonstrating beautiful manners and for being an excellent role model.


Well done Gabriel!

Category: 3W 2022-2023

Achiever of the week


3W Drama

Image of 3W Drama

We continued with using body language and facial expression in performance to display a scenario.


This week our scenario was road safety. We practiced performing 3 freeze frames showing different facets of road safety such as a accident.


We then performed our freeze frames in front…

Category: 3W 2022-2023



3W Art

Image of 3W Art

3W have started a real life sketching topic in Art,


We practiced gradient shading before sketching a shell and using the techniques we practiced at the start of the lesson.


Well Done 3W!

Category: 3W 2022-2023



3W PE- Wheelchair Rugby

Image of 3W PE- Wheelchair Rugby

3W had a fantastic opportunity to try a new sport this week in P.E.


A coach from Fylde Rugby Community Foundation came with a number of rugby wheelchairs, this is a very fast paced tough contact sport.


The children got to move around the area in the wheelchairs, practice passing…

Category: 3W 2022-2023

PE Sport and leisure Sports and Fitness Community Links


3W Music

Image of 3W Music

In music this week, we learned about rhythm and the pulse of a song.

We practiced following the pulse of the song using our bodies (bobbing our heads, tapping our feet and clapping.

We then played a game where we had to copy the person at the fronts rhythm and pulse.

Finally we finished…

Category: 3W 2022-2023



Achiever of the week

Image of Achiever of the week

Well done to Lilly in 3W for settling in amazingly in her first weeks at park!


Well Done!

Category: 3W 2022-2023

Achiever of the week


3W Drama

Image of 3W Drama

We continued with our Emotions topic in Drama, We started by doing some warm up games with the parachute. We then moved onto practicing our performances. We were given some characters to play (A silly student and a Cross teacher, A noisy baby and a tired parent) We all practicised really hard and…

Category: 3W 2022-2023
